Sunday, May 2, 2010
Zeta Canis Majoris Furud Phurud
The primary component, ζ Canis Majoris A, is a blue-white B-type main sequence dwarf with an apparent magnitude of +3.02. It has an unseen companion, ζ Canis Majoris B. The two stars orbit around their common centre of mass once every 675 days
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Personified gravitas radio novel hemina soul amorica america. (see footnotes at end post)
Personally, its' philosophic, or metaphoric in nature, to the phrase applied "gravitas radio novel hemina soul amorica america"; also to "a straight arrow" though the term should apply to more a narative alone or with and/or to a simple collective signifigant attributes or contributes of an individual or a collaborate group; to also to contrast or counter define the element of "typecast" of an individual and move into aside of any oligarch's dictation and societal exceptance of the existance of what is called "personality type"; to set the measurement of the determination from an individual's character as a collective mind body and soul ; as a term seems to set the scene as an outside furmation of their character.
ARROSMITH or ARCHYTECH, the question needant apply to what of the latter; ARRO having the more "reasonable likeness" to the "goodness implied by Constitution" through etymology of "ARRO" ...
..ALTHOUGH, THE LIKENESS IS VERY CLOSELY related to "ARROGANCE" to what is applied in law by written opposed to an account accepted legal by "recognized as accepted"... the language gliffs....
Etymological Dictionary of Basque "arro" THE CONSCIENCIOUSNESS follows-
A Boy Scout straight-arrow type of a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
So, how do things work if we are all really on our own , each a "straight-arrow" ?
The meaning of the word American in the English language varies, according to the historical, geographical, and political context in which it is used... and so, why bring up amorica...
i.e. ..a ...Geography and our Global community amorica in discussion..
Politics, hmmm....
Really, everyone's life is hedged about with certain restrictions - job, family responsibilities, finances - personal things that sometimes seem to imply unduly limits.
Growth seems to stem from cycles of energies and rest.
As a country, where do we each grange in our mind of freedom; what range type do we have to feed on; what extending range do we need as human beings to the plateau and prevent you from growing.
TAKE FOR EXAMPLE THE DAYS NEWS: Hawaii considering law to ignore Obama 'birthers' (AP)
Yahoo! News - Submitted: 35 hours ago
AP - Birthers beware: Hawaii may start ignoring your repeated requests for proof that President Barack Obama was born here.
Redundancy; as defined In engineering, redundancy is the duplication of critical components of a system with the intention of increasing reliability of the system; given that def', applied to an Official Government job description, it has a great adjetive sounding- i.e. resonant, sonorous, etc.; yet specifically leaving open the possibility describing the polititian's acts as a): pompous b) : imposing; i.e. acts by The President Of The United States Of America or applied to the Executive Branch, and/or to his personal Cabinet, and all related to assure the position is protected to be able to perform the job; immunity, whatever; achytechually this is anarchy if he is decieving; "arro" tech ~ arrogance in craftwork posesses plague of distrust.
Also This article from The Executive Inelligence Review:
This article appears in the August 3, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
- How the Lost Corpse Subverts the American Intellectual Tradition
by Stanley Ezrol - I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.
—Benjamin Franklin, Sept. 17, 1787 (urging the unanimous endorsement of the draft Constitution of the United States)
Men at sometime, are Masters of their Fates.The fault (deere Brutus) is not in our Starres,But in our Selves, that we are underlings.
—Cassius to Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Most of us know, or at least suspect, with good reason, that the nearly stillborn Bush II administration's bungling, yet brutal, attempt at "management" of the onrushing financial, economic, and strategic calamities of 2001, threatens to open this new century with even worse terror than that of the last, devastating, Century of War. The historical features of the last thirty-five years' "Southern Strategy," which imposed the Presidential "choice" between Al "Bore" Gore and "Boy George" Bush on the United States, are readily available,[1] and yet it remains for us, in this report, to explain why we allowed matters to come to this state of affairs. We must discover how we must develop the immunity to any future such pestilence. —by Stanley Ezrol from The Executive Inelligence Review as the article continues to try to persuaide you, the reader: Our intention is, that once this class of disease has been identified, you will come to understand how it has poisoned not only much of what you think, but, more important, the way many of you think. You will discover that this occurs, generally, through the mechanism of unconsciously accepted ideas about how the universe functions. These are mechanisms which control your opinion in spite of the popular delusion, that you must accept the opinions you swallow and repeat, because they, like your hamburgers, are made according to your habituated, acquired tastes... Through the microsopic inspection which we conduct in these pages, we will point out the characteristic features of the oligarchical system of ideas which our nation was founded to destroy, and the peculiar variety of this infection which is our main enemy today. What you will discover is the extent to which well-known institutions and shapers of culture have, in fact, been, or been trained by, totally open, public, stubborn partisans of bloody treachery against the United States and its mission. ...with some understanding of the two and a half-millennia which led up to that point.
Our Republic was founded out of the great conflict between two great principles. The first, the Renaissance idea of the Nation-State[3] dedicated to the Common Good, or the General Welfare.
Helpful links
footnotes (adding richness of definition to further describe this post)
The word effect from"amorica", a comparison to the span or range by content( links expand contexts) ; consise - in range of adaptions from concientious and and a lack of concientiousness in respect to etymology, applying adaptations of groundless adaptations of words that may have been concidered by some out of lack of knowledge to the history of the word and/or subject it is applied to by "name"or "word" or "title".
This might be borrowed from {late} Lat. taxōnem id. (M.
****{1964a: 193}). The treatment of Lat. /ks/ is highly variable in Bq., and zk is not an
implausible rendering, though there is no clear parallel for this. Loss of the initial /t/
would be unusual, but see P14. It is also possible that the word is native and derived
from hartz ‘bear’ with an unidentifiable second element. The final -ar or -arro found in
some variants appears to be an addition, probably of expressive origin, though ar ‘male’
perhaps cannot be entirely ruled out.
Friday, January 8, 2010
North Earth: WATERS
See the last post here- Looking Back 1 or 2 Years Pork Palatable,
Also see - moving in the current time, towards a future time; maintaining our designed "state of goodness". 1 ABOVE ALL, LOVE .
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The interpretations surounding the constitution may hinge on opinions, and ideas, and conditions; all towards the natures of good that were present at the time of the founding of the country, adjustable to the always present "current state" moving in the current time, towards a future time; maintaining our designed "state of goodness".
SEE The Post On Monday, January 4, 2010
State Of The Union
SCOFFING? From time to time, as if it were viewed as flawed
A formula for a run of stairs may sound wrong by the words; the vocabulary can require an interpretation when personal ideology without familiarity to elements within constuction cross paths with the fundamental definitions. You have to think of it this way: you have so much height you need to reach and you have to do it within a certain length.
The State Of The Union Address is not about making your own constitutuion or deserving platforms; although some platforms may often be expressed towards our concern. Also this extends from an earlier post on Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Pork Palatable, the influences and American Courage.Crosschecking the voice of the people, the data from Congress, the performance of Congress, and preparing a dialog that may promote many citizens to be transformed by what learn we share in.
To this point it follows:
Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 1 - The Legislature
Section 2 - The House
Section 3 - The Senate
Section 4 - Elections, Meetings
Section 5 - Membership, Rules, Journals, Adjournment
Section 6 - Compensation
Section 7 - Revenue Bills, Legislative Process, Presidential Veto
Section 8 - Powers of Congress
Section 9 - Limits on Congress
Section 10 - Powers Prohibited of States
Article 2 - The Executive Branch
Section 1 - The President
Section 2 - Civilian Power over Military, Cabinet, Pardon Power, Appointments
Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress ...
...(More Articles and Sections Continue...)
This post note I write as a Post - Preface , this from the Scripture of Ecclesiastes, though after all that is noted above; and not to look to far forward without observing where we are and where we have come from :